Student Political Science Group

The Student Group is based on the Political Science speciality offered by the School of Sociology and other subdivisions of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Its scientific interests are related to the complex research theme explored by the Department of Political Science, which is Development of the Political System of Ukraine in Comparative and Global Perspectives.

The purpose of the Group is to engage students in research.

The task of the Group is advanced studies of Political Science, introducing the youth to mastering the methods and methodology of scientific research on different aspects of politics.

The Group keeps working on monthly basis (except for during the exams).

Head of the Group: Associate Professor Olena Lyuba (PhD in Political Science).

The best scientific developments of the Group members are discussed at Group meetings and can be recommended for publication in scientific journals or as topics for diploma papers, etc. Active members are at an advantage to receive recommendations for participation in University, interuniversity, international conferences and for enrollment in postgraduate programs.